Thursday, June 1, 2017

24 Obscure Kinks and Fetishes of Gay Men

From: The Advocate
Fetish For Licking Eyes

Oculolictus is the erotic practice of licking an eyeball. Also know as "worming," this practice was made  famous in one of the more memorable scenes of Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov:
I cam across her in her mother's bedroom. Prying her left eye open to get rid of a speck of something, Checked frock. Although I do love that intoxicating brown fragrance of hers, I really think she should wash her hair once in a while. For a moment, we were both in the same warm green bath of the mirror that reflected the top of a poplar with us in the sky. Held her roughly by the shoulders, then tenderly by the temples, and turned her about. "It's right there," she said, "I can feel it." "Swiss peasant would use the tip of her tongue." "Lick it out?" "Yeth, Shly try?" Sure, she said. Gently I pressed my quivering sting along here rolling salty eyeball. "Goody-goody," she said nictating, "It is gone." "Now the other?" "You dope," she began, "there is noth-" but here she noticed the pucker of my approaching lips. "Okay," she said co-operatively, and bending toward her warm upturned russet face somber Humbert pressed his mouth to her fluttering eyelid.

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