Monday, June 2, 2014

June 2nd is National Leave the Office Early Day

Leave The Office Early Day was the invention of Laura Stack, a specialist in (amongst other things) employee productivity.

Time is money, as the saying goes, and the quicker things get done, at optimal levels, the more productive (and profitable) a business will be.

The nature of work is that, for the most part, employees would rather be somewhere else, doing something else, and this can lead to distraction which results in lower productivity.

The interminable working day can prove disheartening, acting as a demotivational factor, causing employees to work at a sluggish pace to match the snail’s pace of the clock.

Inflexible working hours set in stone can turn any hare into a tortoise, and although the latter won the proverbial race, the former would have achieved the same in less time had it only applied itself to the task.

Leave the Office Early Day is an incentive for employees to complete tasks before schedule, increasing efficiency and productivity with an incentive to go home sooner.

The early exit of the workplace acts as a carrot, compelling the employee to complete tasks to maximum potential in minimum time, reducing levels of idleness amongst workers.

The increase in productivity may transfer itself to other days of the week, where more can be achieved within the confines of a conventional working day.

This managerial strategy is beneficial to both employees and employers, a win win situation for both parties, and holds true to the theory that happy workers are more efficient and productive workers, responding better to positive rather than negative reinforcement.

Leave The Office Early Day can result in a sense of commonality between the stratified workforce, reminding everyone that they are in the same boat and striving towards a common goal.

Both employer and employee would be happy to see the end of the working day, after all, to leave the office environment and return to their own lives.

The effect is to create a sense of empathy between co-workers, whatever position they occupy in the workplace hierarchy, which leads to greater co-operation. Higher levels of co-operation in the workplace may lead to increased productivity.

More work done in less time is beneficial to the business seeking private gain, or to society or humanity at large, and Leave The Office Early Day is another chapter in the quest for maximum productivity that is as old as human industry itself.

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