Saturday, June 7, 2014

Peter Dinklage Rocked A Pretty Wicked Mullet In His High School Yearbook Photo

From: Pink is the new Blog
Peter Dinklage appears to be everyone’s favorite Lannister on HBO‘s Game of Thrones but after you see his yearbook photo from 1987, he’s bound to become your favorite person on earth. OK, maybe that’s taking things a bit far but one look at Peter‘s wicked 1987 mullet is sure you make you love him more. Yes, the hair’do is hilariously out of fashion now but back in the day, this was THE LOOK. Dinklage was in all his 80′s glory as a mulleted high schooler at the Delbarton School.

Here is the full text of Peter‘s yearbook quote which has been cut out of his photo:
Words are tools of imagery in motion. — Sam Shepard

I hate to say it but … this is a good look for Dinklage. What do you think? Is it time for the mullet to come back in fashion?

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