Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Brian Sims: ‘We’ll Have A Gay President In 10 Years’

From: The New Civil Rights Movement
Brian Sims says America will have a gay president in a decade. Pennsylvania’s first openly-gay elected representative made the comments in an interview with the French LGBT magazine Tétu, which asked him how he feels about being labeled as a gay politician.

It doesn't bother me that people label me as the ‘gay elected representative of Pennsylvania,” Sims said. “In 50 years, it won’t be an issue anymore. Looking at the current trend in the American opinion, we’ll have a gay president in 10 years.

Sims, who has become a national figure despite being a state representative, also had a few words to share about our current president.

Barack Obama is probably one of the top 10 pro-LGBT activists in America. No other president has done more than he has. Did he always do it the way we wanted? No, but he’s done more than all the other presidents put together. He’s changed mentalities, particularly within the African-American community.

And Sims offered some thoughts about how he interacts with those who oppose “a proud, gay, feminist.”

“I respect my opponents because they fight for what they believe in. You need to know how to disagree with someone without being rude: It’s a cliche’ that they keep repeating over and over at school, but this concept has helped me more at the PA General Assembly than anything else I’ve learned as a lawyer or an activist.

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