Saturday, June 14, 2014


From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, CANADA – A 31 year-old man with an allegedly mouthwatering treasure trail shared a shirtless image on popular gay dating website Manhunt, causing the site’s resident blogger to pop an erection at his desk yesterday afternoon. The man, who goes by the alter ego “andhecooks” on the website, could not be reached for comment at the time of press. The blogger himself was too busy providing the gay sex act “rimjobbing” to respond to any inquiries.

 Eventually, the blogger’s underwear spoke out about this development during a press release conducted from a dirty pile of laundry. “I could feel some tension on my fabric,” it revealed. “There was a point where I got a little wet and sticky in one spot, but not too much.”

 Citizens are invited to look at the pictures in question and analyze whether they share the blogger’s reaction. A group discussion will occur today in the comment section of Manhunt Daily, a popular gay web publication which you are currently reading.

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

 i can fit my whole fist in my mouth
that's totally a lie. when i try i just end up gagging. it's a mess. 

Sometimes i'm charming, when the stars are aligned and i'm not bloaty. Recently single.





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