Saturday, June 28, 2014

Betty Crocker Again Shows Love To The Gay Community For Pride

From: Instinct

Betty Crocker is no stranger to showing love to the LGBT community. But if anyone's forgotten that the delectable foods brand flies its rainbow flag high, BC has just announced that it will sponsor the Twin Cities Festival (Minneapolis/St. Paul's Pride) for the second year in a row. 

"Pride is a way for us to really bring our brand purpose to life by celebrating all families," marketing manager Perteet Spencer says in a press release. "Not only will we be able to continue the great work we did last year, we'll be able to gain deeper insights into today's modern homemaker as part of our national survey."

But that's not all!

Betty Crocker will ask Pride attendees to tweet what "home" means to them with the #HomemakerPride hashtag. (The BC Twitter account has already started retweeting some of the responses.) Also, the brand has revealed that it will donate wedding cakes to many of the same-sex couples planning to marry at this year's Pride.

Now, who's in the mood for a slice of Betty Crocker rainbow cake?

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