Thursday, June 19, 2014

5 Yoga Poses to Make You a Better Bottom

From: G Philly
Good sex is something everyone wants. But it takes work. Don’t forget that sex is a physical activity that requires strength, stamina, and flexibility, so it only makes sense that the more flexibility, strength and stamina you have, the better your experience will be … well, in theory. Today, with the help of model Brian Swope, I’m sharing a few yoga poses that will help you open up your body to give you the physical tools needed to make bottoming more enjoyable. Incorporate these poses into your weekly workout routine for a lifetime of romps in the sack void of leg cramps, numb thighs, and a sore back.

 Ananda Balasana: Happy Baby
I like to refer to this pose as Happy Bottom ASSana. It doesn’t need much explanation, but if you can’t glean from the photo, this asana opens the hips, the inner groin, and — maybe most importantly — calms the mind.
Malasana: Yoga Squat
This posture puts the bottom on top, opens the hips, and strengthens and tones the belly.

 Bitilasana: Cow Pose
If you’re doing it doggie style, making sure you're able to arch your back is crucial. This pose stretches the front torso and neck, it helps to open your front body so arching your back becomes almost second nature.

 Prasarita Padottanasana: Wide-Legged Forward Fold
This pose stretches the inner and back legs, because, lets face it, if you’re going to have your legs apart for an extended period of time, it’s best to make sure they are prepped with a good stretch.

Upavistha Konasana B: Wide Leg Stretch
This is the “power-bottom pose” of yoga. It's more of an advanced asana that will open the inner leg and lower back, and tighten that belly, giving you strength, flexibility and the ever important endurance.
Not exactly a pose, but taking deep breaths is essential to happy, healthy anal.

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