Sunday, June 29, 2014

10 LGBT Books Everyone Should Read

Gore Vidal

The first of literary lion Gore Vidal’s two memoirs (followed by Point to Point Navigation), Palimpsest focuses on the writer’s early life in Washington D.C. and his first literary successes in the ’40s, ’50s and ’60s. The acerbic, prolific and highly political writer (best to catch his views on American politics in this volume rather than some of his later essays) also details his early affair du coeur with St. Albans prep school classmate, Jimmie Trimble. Trimble, the undisputed star of his school’s baseball team, who was scouted by the Washington Senators, was killed in action in 1945 during WWII, but Vidal kept a photo of him on display at his homes in Ravello, Italy and Los Angeles the rest of his life.

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