Thursday, May 29, 2014

Russell Tovey Instagrams Shirtless Workout Shot, And It’s Definitely Working Out For Him

From: Queerty
Russell Tovey has been quoted saying:
I’ve got ratty curly hair. I’ve got sticky-out ears. I‘ve got a little troll nose. I’m like a little pale street urchin. I’m lucky that I’ve sort of aged well into my face. I don’t think people are repelled by me. But one never sees how other people see you in a mirror at all — ever.
And then he goes and Insta’s a picture like this:

And he expects us to believe him.

Nice try.

The Looking star stole many of our hearts last season, and now that he’s joining on as a main character for season two, we’re sure to be pining for the English actor for quite some time.

If you want a second dose of Tovey, these selfies he took with his French bulldog will certainly hit the spot.

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