Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 7th is National Barrier Awareness Day

Eighty percent of Americans will experience some disability in their lifetime. That makes it necessary for all of us to understand and appreciate both the barriers they must surmount and the contributions that they can make to our society.

Many disabled people face financial, cultural, and physical barriers because of a lack of public understanding of their needs. We must become more aware of the barriers that prevent or inhibit so many of our fellow Americans from participating fully in the life of our society, and how much more they could contribute if those obstacles were removed.

This can begin with recognizing the outstanding achievements of many disabled citizens. These heroes, often unsung, have done much to enrich their lives and ours. Let us all resolve to act positively toward those who must cope with the challenge of physical handicaps. We all have much to gain if they are able to live up to their full potential.

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