Sunday, May 4, 2014

May 4th is National Infertility Survival Day

Each year on the Sunday prior to Mother’s Day, it is designated as National Infertility Day.  “This is a day invented to celebrate all the hard work and effort that infertile couples put towards trying to have a child.  The day’s main emphasis is on self-care and celebration for what they do have. It’s also a day for friends and family to help lift the spirits of a loved one coping with infertility.”

It’s a common feeling among women diagnosed with infertility, and while many choose to keep their struggle private, others are banding together to bring attention to the issue.

National Infertility Survival Day, an “unofficial” National holiday was created by Beverly Barna, author of Infertility Sucks! Keeping It All Together When Sperm and Egg Stubbornly Remain Apart.  ”It falls on the Sunday before Mother’s Day, a day when “infertile women can come first on the calendar,” she has said, a day designed to celebrate and support couples desperate to become parents.

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