Friday, May 2, 2014

May 2nd is National Scrapbooking Day

Since 1994, the first Saturday in May has been creatively celebrated as National Scrapbook Day.” There are so many ways to take part in this special day. You can start by visiting a Pinterest Scrapbooking Board for inspiration. Next, find an activity from the “Top Ten Scrapping Activities” listed below from BellaOnline - be sure to visit their site for more info, too! 

1. Attend a crop or scrapbooking party!

2. Go shopping! There is no better reason to treat yourself to a few new scrapbooking goodies!

3. Learn a new technique! Sign up for a class at your local scrapbook store or turn to the internet.

4. Join the BellaOnline Newsletter list! Share it with friends so they can learn more about scrapbooking as well!

5. Submit your best layouts to magazines! 

6. Have to be at ball games or other events during National Scrapbook Day? It’s OK, grab some scrapbook idea books or magazines and take them along.

7. Share your passion for preserving family memories with a non-scrapper!

8. Try something different! Is there a technique that you have been itching to try? Do all your pages look alike. Get out of the rut and add something new! 

9. If there aren’t any National Scrapbook Day crops going on close to you consider inviting some friends over to scrap! 

10. Organize your stash!

Whatever you decide to do today, we hope your day is inspirational, creative and full of fun…..enjoy National Scrapbooking Day!

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