Friday, May 2, 2014

May 2nd is International Space Day

Space Day gives you the opportunity participate in the excitement and fascination of space. It's a topic of interest to millions, old and young alike. It's a topic as broad as the universe.

Former astronaut and Senator John Glenn expanded Space Day to International Space Day in 2001.

Originally started to get America's youth interested in math and science, Space Day focuses upon creating an interest and awareness of all kinds of topics and issues related to space. This holiday caught on quickly, and became wildly popular.

On this day all kinds of space relate organizations, groups and agencies hold celebrations, demonstrations, and educational programs.

Don't miss the opportunity to celebrate Space Day.  Find an event near you and ...go! Visit a science center, or observatory. Get out your telescope and view the heavens. Watch television documentaries on space. Make this a fun day and create your own celebration with your kids or in the workplace. Teachers... don't miss creating a special lesson plan for today. The kids will love it.

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