Friday, May 23, 2014

May 23rd is Heat Awareness Day

May 23 has been declared National Heat Awareness Day.  Resulting in numerous fatalities each year, heat is one of the leading weather related killers in the United States.

1980 – Heat wave claimed 1,250 lives
1995 – Heat wave claimed more than 700 lives in Chicago (the deadliest weather event in Chicago history)
2003 – August, Record heat wave in Europe claimed an estimated 50,000 lives
Most American summers see heat waves in one or more parts of the United States.  Some parts combine high temperatures and high humidity however some of the worst heat waves have been dry.

The following advisories may be issued from the National Weather Service:

Excessive Heat Outlooks
Excessive Heat Watches
Excessive Heat Warning/Advisories
There are precautions that can be taken when weather heat advisories are issued:  stay hydrated (drink lots of water), avoid alcohol, caffeine drinks and extra sugar,  avoid over exertion and find a cool place to stay in.

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