Thursday, May 1, 2014

May 1st is School Principals' Day

Along with lawyers and bankers, school principals are in a small group of jobs whose holders are often hated and only rarely appreciated. That should change on School Principals’ Day, the origin of which is unknown but can probably be credited to teachers’ unions!

Though the job title varies between countries (‘School Principal’ is used in North America, while ‘Head Teacher’ is preferred in the UK, for example) every school has to have a boss. Schools are like small businesses, with hundreds of customers (students) and dozens of staff (teachers, receptionists, cleaners and so on) and making it all run smoothly is the job of the Principal. It’s especially difficult if the kids are trouble-makers or the parents aren’t happy. Principals have varying responsibilities, from teacher evaluations to dealing with serious discipline issues, but at its heart their job is about providing the best environment for kids to learn.

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