Saturday, May 24, 2014

James Franco Went All Mapplethorpe In Latest Revealing Selfie, Then Immediately Deleted It

From: Queerty
How does that old expression go — another day, another revealing James Franco selfie that was deleted immediately after it was posted? Something like that, right? Anyway, it’s happened again. Everyone’s favorite actor writer university student provocateur has gone and posed semi-nude again (not that we’re complaining, mind you). Early on Friday the Broadway thespian snapped a photo of himself shirtless and unzipped to the brink of modesty in front of a self-portrait of the late, great —and super controversial —queer artist Robert Mapplethorpe, captioned “SelfieMadness The Adderall Diaries.” Franco deleted it moments later and replaced it with a cropped photo of his head captioned “Too many selfies. Even for me.”
For the past couple of years, the multi-hyphenated one has been attached to star in a film bio about the late photographer, which would be the latest in his series of cinematic portraits of LGBT icons such as Sal Mineo, James Dean and Hart Crane. Keep up the great work, Jimbo.
20 hours ago
Too many selfies. Even for me. 😊

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