Saturday, May 31, 2014


From: Manhunt Daily
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Little Cub
Here goes nothing:
I really do know what I want from ManHunt. I want to find people who think I'm awesome and who want to have great sex together. The question really is if that happens right away or after a longer period. Each person is different and I respect that. When I think about the types of people that seem to dominate my time they fall in two categories. The first are the young guys who are eager beavers and very willing to please. The second group are the older men who are also on the hunt. I like these guys because they have the wisdom to know exactly how to make a guy happy without having to ask. There is also a third elusive category of men who I sometimes happen upon. They are very much like me and every time I meet one I want build a lasting relationship. I have both dated (12 months) and persused NSA relationships with men from ManHunt. It really does depend on each personality and how well we blend.

Gotten this far? Send me a message then we can go from there. If you are stuck for things to say in your message maybe you can answer some of these important questions:
Who are you?
What do you want?
Why are you here?
Where are you going?

Much Love <3

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