Saturday, May 24, 2014


From: Favorite Hunks & Other Things
 Despite loving actress Zoe Saldana and disliking Mia Farrow as an actress, I ceased and aborted my viewing of the remake of Rosemary's Baby after about 20 minutes. Patrick J. Adams may be cuter than John Cassavetes but from the second the first part of the mini series began, there was a distinct lack of the creep factor that so permeated the original. The ratings reflected the lack of suspense, and the lack of Ruth Roman, and I suspect part 2 will not fare any better. 

Patrick J. Adams

Patrick J. Adams in Cupid

John Cassavetes with his Husbands co-stars including Peter Falk and Ben Gazzara. 

John Cassavetes with his Husbands co-stars including Peter Falk and Ben Gazzara. 

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