Thursday, May 22, 2014


From: Manhunt Daily
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Insert Witty Title Here
Normal guy. Very active, competitive swimmer and gym. Read more books than you can fit in a library, play way too much Xbox and other normal stuff. I don't like Lady Gaga. 

Professional; I work really hard, I'm very independent (I put together all my own Ikea furniture) and a little traditional. Ultimately I'm just looking for a good guy. 

I'm not racist, ageist or discriminatory based on your hourly gym input. A good man is a good man, so give it a shot - but please use your common sense. 

Also, if you are the kind of disgusting individual who speaks/refers to older men like they are leppers, I am not interested in speaking with you. Even though I may not necessarily want to sleep someone, I believe wholeheartedly in respecting my elders, and I've got at least enough sense to know I wont be young forever either. You will be in that "dirty old man"s position one day too, buddy.

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