Wednesday, April 30, 2014


From: Manhunt Daily
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
If no pix/only adult pix (cant c them on phone)/no face:dont even wink.can only c 1st pic
New guy in Melbourne! :) 

I'm down to Earth with a dreamy mind to evade reality every now and again. I like reading, drawing, going out with friends, food and drink, movies, tv shows.... and i can talk pretty much bout everything. well balanced and mature in what mind is concerned. I workout 6h a week and like guys who also take care of themselves (but not someone who can only talk bout that). Brains a must!
Looking for mates & dates. Hit me up! (do NOT hit me up if u r looking to hookup, please. that is all too well but not what im into). Not into couples or profiles without pics. If u dont have a pic don't even wink please, thx!

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