Friday, April 25, 2014

Question of the Day...

From: Wicked Gay
Are younger gay guys rushing into marriage?

This post is important to me and maybe I am overreacting but I am so damn frustrated watching my Facebook feed fill up with young gay couples who dated for only a short period of time before getting married, only to get divorced a very short time later. Are younger gay guys becoming the Britney Spears of gay marriage after all it took to get here?

I just know how hard so many of us worked fighting for marriage equality and I feel that an entire new generation is not taking it seriously!

My husband and I waited 10 years before getting legally married when it was legal 5 years into our relationship. Now 10 years is a tad excessive for most, I get that but we wanted everyone to see how seriously we took this amazing new right and privilege.

What are your thoughts? How long did you wait if you are married? How long is an appropriate time to date in your opinion? Have you noticed this trend as well?

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