Monday, April 28, 2014

Queerying Nick Beyeler

From: Queer Click

 Someone once suggested that Nestlé should sell Nick Beyeler in sweet little boxes.

We have been harboring a not-so-secret crush on Nick Beyeler for some time now. It's also no secret we've been practicing those sleek bendy moves of his (especially the one where he splits his legs in mid-air?) in the QC quarters...and in the process smashed a few vases and table tops...

Then we devised a plan to get closer to Nick. We decided to get in touch under the pretext of interviewing him for the site!! Heh heh.

Nick so kindly obliged and answered our laundry list of questions. We know Nick's a busy busy man...having to dance, cook, practice his Thai massage, conduct classes/seminars, travel round the globe for public appearances, compete (he's won the recent Prix Walo Sprungbrett but also tore a muscle halfway through the routine...ouch!), model, playing Sony PSP Ambassador, design websites (have you seen his work?), making tens of thousands of guys and gals swoon...

Nick also sent us a copy of his CDrom (along with a couple of autographed postcards - yeah!) so we could share some photos with you.

Here's the interview which we know many of you have been waiting for. Enjoy!!

What accomplishments are you most proud of at the moment?

I've finally managed to iron those wrinkled shirts that were piling up since an eternity.

What's the your worst vice?

I'm very much into video games. What a time consuming nonsense that is.

Your life is full with dance, modeling, cooking, being a geek (!)...if you had to choose one thing to do and give up all of the others what would you choose, and why?

Sex. Of course.

QC: Hey you left out the why!

What's an interest that you have that most people wouldn't know about?

I can get psychologically very interested in a certain madness within people. I like to observe obsessive compulsive behavior in others, it makes me somewhat feel normal.

Who inspires you and why?

J.K. Rowling for writing the Harry Potter novels. Darryl Hannah in Kill Bill Vol.2 for killing very gracefully. Does that make me weird? Thought so.

You've traveled (and lived) all around the world. What's one of your favorite places?

Can I mix? I'd settle for the food of Thailand, the almost non-existing swimsuits and the passion of Brazil, the outgoing humor of Australia and my friends and family from Switzerland.

Single? Would you be interested in having a cute, loyal boyfriend named RedMonkey? PLEASE?

Does redmonkey bite?

What qualities do you seek in a partner?

A strong individual character with pleasant surprises every now and then.

What's your favorite gadget lately and why?

The iPod nano. Unbelievably thin. I quickly ran out of memory though.

What's on your iPod today?

"Sandpaper Kisses" by Martina Topley Bird. Love those Twin Peakish moments.

How many hours a day do you workout/dance/or are active?

Much less than people think. I'm quite efficient.

What's your favorite new thing to cook these days?

Christmas Cookies. And I can't believe they are all gone already. I did not eat a single one I promise.

Were you always active/athletic?

I'm very active. ;-)

What's the hardest decision you've ever made?

Breaking up my existing relationship in pursuit of a new one.

Did it pay off?

Nah - was a silly idea.

What's the last book you read? Would you recommend it?

Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. Loved it. Any ideas how to kill time until the next and final chapter?

Who do you admire?

Everyone living a simple, zen, Buddhist life. I try to do it, but then I walk past an Apple store and bang.

What's the question that everyone always wants to know?

If I'm flexible enough to ... my own ... you know what I mean.

What's the question that you wish people would ask you about?

If I'm flexible enough to ... my own ... ;-)

QC: So? Can you or not? *LOL* I guess we can all figure that out ourselves.

What's your average day like?

I do some light yoga exercise, eat a healthy breakfast, quickly clean the apartment, prepare lunch for my 4 kids, write a loving, inspiring letter to my relatives oh...And then I wake up from that nice dream, hysterically looking for fresh underwear and leaving the house too late.

Are there some days where you completely crash and don't do anything? What would you do on one of those days?

Sundays are good for that. Open for fresh ideas on what to do. Let me know.

You speak many languages... what's your favorite? Which language do you find yourself speaking most often?

Swiss German, my native tongue. Not a particularly nice language, but I got used to it.

What makes you happy?

Success, flirting, hot Saturday afternoons, Spanish tapas, updates, snake leather boots, spicy food, really scary movies.

What makes you upset?

The 5th parking ticket this week.

Care to share your favorite recipe?

Boil a can of condensed sweetened milk in a pot of water for two hours. Et voilà: brazilian dolce di leche caramel thing for your own enjoyment. Oh, got a spicy green thai curry recipe on my website!

QC: That condensed milk thingie sounds really sinful...but when you dance like Nick...

Do you get lots of goodies from Sony? What's your favorite device?

Santa Sony is a good man. But good things don't just fall from the sky, I work for them to give it to me.

What kind of person are you physically attracted to?

Usually the wrong kind of person.

What kind of personality are you attracted to?

They gotta have that special certain something.

Where can we see more of you? Personal appearances? Would you visit me if I made you dinner and rubbed your feet?

Throw in a good glass of red wine and I'm yours. I'm a very cheap drunk.

Did you help build your own website?

A website can be quite a personal thing, so it's great to take part in the process.

What's your favorite website (besides QueerClick and your own, of course)?

I've just recently had my eyes lasered to correct my vision. I was probably surfing on every single eye surgery website out there.

Convince us why aerobics is good for us!

Come and visit and I will show you personally.

Are you content with your life or do you see yourself with a ton more to accomplish?

I'm a person who will always have another goal to work towards - however, more often than not I think it pays to sit back once in a while, look back what's been achieved so far and be happy about that.

What do you see yourself doing in ten years?

Ask me that in ten years again, let's live in the now.

What makes you Click!?

Any button. Can't resist them.


Thanks to Nick for making this interview possible and for allowing us to share some of his photos on this site.
Nick's yummy CDrom is now available for sale at his official website. The CDrom has a chockful of never-been-released (and some very revealing) photos. There are also video clips. In the new year, we will be showcasing a fine selection of photos from it so stay tuned!

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