Thursday, July 3, 2014

Classic Hottie --

Lukas Ridgeston
From: Queer Click
 Some gay porn stars retire and move on to new adventures. Some don't age well, and just sort of fade from the scene. There's that rare few, however, that have had such a legend grow around them that retirement is a redundant concept since they will live in our imaginations forever, and are so supernaturally beautifully that the aging process is in awe of them. Behold: Lukas Ridgeston.

  This is how the legend that is Lukas - born with the unpronounceable name of Juraj Vrzgula - looks today, aged 40

 The glory days, where he oozed Greek-Kouros boy charisma, with the famous wolf-like eyes, and just a teeny inch of puppy fat adding that extra succulent inch to his pecs, biceps and thighs.

 Rarely on camera anymore, Lukas has directed a number of productions for Bel Ami.

 An outdoors type, he loves travelling to QueerClick's international holiday destination of choice, Thailand.

 And when back in the Czech Republic, routinely collects winners' trophies for his expertise in Mini Cooper racing.

 Here's some more gratuitous shots of Lukas' amazing body and magnificent cock.

And, you can always find his on and off screen work over at Bel Ami.

 I of fer the challenge any of the readers to say they don't find Lukas Ridgeston attractive. Go on, we dare you.

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