Thursday, April 3, 2014

Neal Shaw - ADVOCATE MEN - November 1984

November 1984

Neal Shaw [Neil Shaw] (cover-center – Fred Bisonnes)
Rick Kennedy (Fred Bisonnes)
Joe Tolbe (Fred Bisonnes)
Roy Ourso (Fred Bisonnes)
Face Man: Trev Michaels (Fred Bisonnes)
Showcase: Tom of Finland
Showcase: Stephen Savage
Donelan Cartoon
Beginning the Saga of Pecky Bunscock” ill: Bisonnes
 “The Taking of Tits Capra” by Art Boyce
 “Transfigured Night” by Geoff Mains
 “Samurai Duty” by Guy Shore, ill: Forbes
 “5 Blonds” by Bill August, ill: Bisonnes

 Neal Shaw

aka:  Steve Blanchard

 The range of Neal's sexuality is clearly illustrated in the work in (Spurs #8). From an almost imperious "Here I am for you" the attitude switches to "Here I am - for me." The intensity is the same as is the reach for the experience. If this energy could somehow be translated into kilowatts, they could afford to shut down Hoover Dam and make repairs.
    Rip Colt - from SPURS #8



















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