Wednesday, April 30, 2014

May 1st is Silver Star Day

It was also believed that there should be a day set aside to remember the sacrifices of the wounded and ill: So the SSFOA petitioned the states to make May 1 Silver Star Service Banner Day.

To date, 50 states, Guam, Saipan, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the Chickasaw Nation and the District of Columbia has issued proclamations recognizing the Silver Star Families of America and Silver Star Service Banner Day. Over 2,900 cities and counties have also signed on.

The State of Missouri has made the day into law.

Silver Star Service Banner Day is now in the United States Congress.

On April 21, 2010, the United States House of Representatives passed H Res. 855, a stand alone resolution, making the SSFOA Silver Star Service Banner official and making May 1 Silver Star Service Banner Day.

"Resolved, That the House of Representatives supports the designation of ‘Silver Star Service Banner Day’ and calls upon the people of the United States to observe the day with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities." 

On May 19, 2010 the United States Senate followed suit and approved Senate Resolution 534 and it was sent to the President of the United States.

"Resolved, That the Senate designates May 1, 2010, as ‘Silver Star Service Banner Day’ and calls upon the people of the United States to observe the day with appropriate programs, ceremonies, and activities."

On April 29th, 2011 the President of the United States Barack Obama issued this statement: "When our men and women in uniform return from deployment, it is our moral obligation and great honor to serve them as well as they served us. Our debt of gratitude extends to their families and friends, who embody the same qualities of bravery, sacrifice and duty exhibited by their loved ones. On Silver Star Service Banner Day, we recommit to caring for those who return to us wounded or ill, and we remain humbled by the heroic contributions they have made to our Nation."

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