Tuesday, April 29, 2014

MARCELLO - The Guy Site

A Closer Look
 I really liked Marcello when he did his first shoot and wanted to get him back as soon as possible. As requested, he's also been letting his body hair grow.

 Unfortunately though, he did do a little trimming to his pubes. He said it was because he it was getting 'too bushy." I told him that's what we want and hopefully he'll leave it alone for next time.

 It’s not often that one hears the term “muscle cub” thrown around, but it may be the only label which aptly describes Marcello from The Guy Site. Judging from the size of his arms, this guy’s obviously no stranger to the gym, and that coating of fur on his chest definitely earns him “woofy” status.

 While his equipment may not make the size queens rejoice, it’s definitely enough to get the job done, and he proved that in his latest scene with Neo. Hopefully, they’ll be inviting him back to appear in more videos, because he’s undoubtedly one of the hottest men they have on the site!





 When propositioned with doing a scene with another guy, both of these guys had the same response; "How Much?" Marcello is all about the money, so he said yes right away. Neo, on the other hand, had a bit more reservations. One thing he said he wouldn't do is bottom.

 For first timers, they didn't do too bad. Marcello really needs to work on his blow job, but, his beefy and furry body makes up for a lot. As for Neo, never say never. He turned out to be a real power bottom.

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