Sunday, April 6, 2014


From: Manhunt Daily
 This week’s Man of The Week is Mtndewme, a 28-year old on the South Shore of Boston. I was drawn to the screen name first, and got more interested from there. This young man describes himself as nerdy, so I asked him about that, and about his many tattoos, and about some other things.

(Spoiler alert: he claims to shoot massive loads.)

 Let’s start with an easy one. What brings you here?

I like looking at the pics and checking things out. I used to hang out in the chat rooms a lot, which was fun, but my computer died and I haven’t found the time to replace it. I’m never home anymore, so I usually just sign in from my phone and check my emails for the ego boost!

What kind of guys are the biggest turn-on for you?

I like muscles and big guys. I always have. I think being hugged by a huge beast of a dude just feels better. It makes me feel safe, I’m a tiny guy—when people meet me in person, they are always kind of taken aback by how small I am. However, there’s nothing like the feeling of a big guy picking you up and kissing your face.

How about someone specific?

As far as hot big dudes that do it for me… Lucas Gabo, even though he hasn't done a ton of work. That’s a hard question. I like normal everyday guys. I don’t sit around and fantasize, I go after what I like. I was hanging with this soccer player recently. He was just a house with huge furry shoulders.

 I see lots of tattoos in your profile photos, but none of them are straight on. Tell me about your back.

My back is a work in progress. It’s only halfway finished. Eventually, it’s going to represent a struggle between good and evil, a light versus dark sort of thing, yin yang, etc. Currently, it’s an image of Raijin the god of thunder riding a dragon and looking like a bad ass.It’s the dark side. I always feel like life is that sort of struggle between the two. Sometimes bad things are necessary in life to make us appreciate the good ones. It’s about balance.

And the groin one?

I have a few tats here and there. Seven altogether, I think. I just had to count them. My groin tat is dragon wings… Yeah, a lot of people think I got it to make my dick look like a dragon. Truthfully, that really isn't the case. It’s actually a dedication to a patron Goddess of mine. I have a Triple Goddess tat on my right shoulder representing the three phases of the moon, and a symbol of the Horned God on my left. (No, that doesn't mean the devil.) A septagram on my right calf, which holds a million and one different meanings for me. There are other,s but you kind of need to see them to understand their meaning

Tell me about your weirdest Manhunt experience.

Hmmm, the weirdest was talking to a guy for a while. His profile was mega slutty, but he said he knew me in person and that he always thought I was a “good guy”. I agreed after a month of chatting with him to meet him in a public setting, and it turned out to be one of my teachers. A guy I never thought would be as slutty as he was. I couldn't go through with it.

 In your profile you mention that you enjoy the outdoors. Do you mean beaches? Mountains? Parks?

I like being outside in forests and stuff. I hate the beach unless it’s nighttime. It’s just too dry, and there’s rarely shade, but I’ll hang out all night at the beach watching stars and just thinking. I like thinking about constellations and the stories people have made up about them. Those stories have endured. I’ve always found that interesting.

Name three of your favorite movies.

I have such a short attention span that I rarely will sit down to watch a movie, and my favorites always end up being like the last I saw, haha. I LOVE Witches of Eastwick (Again with the witches! I’m not obsessed, I swear.) I really enjoy that book and the sequel, but how can you hate that cast?

I really love Drop Dead Gorgeous. I feel like it’s one of the funniest movies out there. Brittany Murphy was just the best. And as campy as it may seem, ever since I was a young kid, I’ve loved Elvira: Mistress of the Dark. I could watch that movie on repeat all day. My copy is autographed. I got to meet her on Halloween in my hometown. It was the nerdiest moment of my life but so awesome.

 You call yourself nerdy. Are you looking for other nerdy guys? Or do you like to keep your social life and your sex life separate?

I like nerdy guys that are well rounded. I don’t make my hobbies my whole life. I go out, I party, I have good times. But there’s nothing like staying in with a hot guy, wrapped in big arms watching Adventure Time or playing an epic amount of Skyrim.

[Ed. note: Skyrim is a video game and not a metaphor for ass-eating.]

When did you last cum? Tell me about it.

The last time I came was two days ago, in the morning. I had just gotten back from staying over this gorgeous guy’s house. I didn’t cum when I was with him. I was too wrapped up in how hot he was to just let go, so when I came home, I immediately shucked my clothes off and went to town twice. I shoot tons of jizz. Guys have cowered knowing what’s coming when I say I’m close, but this was a MEGA load.

What’s one last that we should know about you?

Hmmm… In person, I’m painfully shy and introverted. Most people think I’m a stuck up asshole but I’m not. I’m actually really nice and am very giving. I feel like I should be saying something more sexy. Oh! I LOVE uncut guys. It’s probably my biggest fetish. My ultimate fantasy dream guy would be a huge bodybuilder type with a smaller uncut dick.

Weymouth, Massachusetts, USA
mountain dew me
The cold never bothered me anyway.

I may not be the biggest and I may not be the manliest but my heart is huge and loyal......that's gotta count for somethin

I'm a server in the city, like exploring after work. Restaurants and new wine are awesome love the beach on hot nights. I paint a bit and Dabble around with art.nly looking for guys who can improve things, not make them worse. Are you man enough?

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