Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Jon Hamm - Men's Fitness - May 2014

From: Boy Culture
 Jon Hamm looks super hot on and in Men's Fitness (May 2014)...and his best asset isn't even spotlighted!

 Actually, the intrepid interviewer succeeds in getting Hamm on the record about his legendary package, even if Hamm is quite dismissive of all the hype:

 “That's the dark side of all this [fame], I guess. As a nonfamous person, would you want people walking up to you and pointing to your dick? I can't believe I'm talking about this. But I've worn underwear every day of my life, and the fact that I'm painted as this exhibitionist is a little annoying. It's become a meme, I guess. Being someone who people want to photograph, you have to open yourself up to the positive and negative. It is what it is. If I get mad at it I'll look like a douche bag. But it's silly


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