Thursday, April 10, 2014

It’s National Siblings Day! Who Are The Hottest Hollywood Brothers?

It’s National Siblings Day! No, I didn’t just make this up so I could do this post, it’s actually real.
From: The Backlot

While we figure out our own ways to celebrate our brothers and sisters today (I think I’ll send my sister a bouquet of dandelions to honor our favorite childhood game “Momma had a baby and its head popped off, let’s take a look at some our favorite Hollywood brothers. They may not be equally famous, but they all prove that blood is thicker than Twitter followers.
Oh, and they’re all hot.

Luke, Liam, And Chris Hemsworth

While Liam and Chris hog the Hollywood spotlight, Luke has carved out his own successful career on Australian TV, most notably on Neighbors. And he’s thankfully managed to steer clear of the sad sibling rivalry between his younger brothers.

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