Saturday, August 22, 2015

Gaze Anatomy:

Is This The Best Chest In Gay Porn?
From: Queer Click
 Paul Wagner would probably figure in the Top Ten list no matter which part of the body you were looking at. Magazine-model handsome and with great legs, Paul enjoys much deserved evergreen gay porn favorite status across a range of horny audiences with regular appearances at Hot House, Falcon, Next Door Buddies and even as "Barry" in his original Sean Cody days.

 But you've got to give it up for that chest. Those perfectly sculpted (and yet still natural looking -- Paul's no just-add-water gym-built bore) pecs, dusted with caramel brown hair. I mean, just take a look at it!

 The perfect chest to gaze up at, while you suck cock, such as these lucky fellows:

 And, nice to behold while you fuck his brains out:

 You like? We do.
 Oh, and he looks pretty nice from behind, as well:

Is this the best chest in gay porn? Discuss.

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