Saturday, April 5, 2014


From: Towleroad
 Remember Kenny Brain, the gay model and Big Brother Canada housemate with the epic beard we met last month? Well, he's been keeping his sexual orientation from his housemates, until this week, when he decided to tell one of them.

Watch him tell his housemate Sarah, below.

The Vancouver Sun has some thoughts:

Kenny Brain is out in his life away from the reality-TV series. But in the house, Kenny is pretending to be straight, flirting with the women and telling stories about his ex-girlfriends, changing “he” to “she” in the recounting. From the start, he’s told the truth to viewers, explaining in the confessional atmosphere of the show’s diary room that he is gay, but playing straight to get further in the game. He thought that he would have more of an advantage with the girls in the house if they thought he was “showmance” material.

Being someone he’s not for more than a month proved too much, though. On Monday, he shared his secret with fellow contestant Sarah Miller, but decided not to tell anyone else in the Big Brother Canada house, for now.

This is the first time in my life I’ve ever hidden who I am … I don’t want people to watch this and do the same thing,” he told her. “I needed to tell someone or I was going to die.

And that highlights what’s at stake here. Kenny might be doing it for the game, but he’s also sending a message to viewers of the show, which skew young, that being gay would hold him back. For decades, the LGTBQ community has fought for basic human rights, for recognition that one’s sexuality shouldn’t be grounds for discrimination. Kenny is taking those hard-won rights and shoving them back in the closet. And that’s not right.

And if you missed the earlier Kenny post with the sexy shots, check then out HERE..

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