Friday, April 11, 2014

Dom Nader recreates Miranda Kerr GQ shoot to try and prove a point

The Guardian wrote this article on how"Gender-flips are a simple and smart way to turn sexism on its head"-- but when we see Australian comedians the Bondi Hipsters parody this month's British GQ cover by showing a bearded Dom Nader copy Miranda Kerr's naked poses -- it doesn't exactly give us a BAD or an UNCOMFORTABLE reaction...
"The over-sexualisation of the female body in the high-fashion world. For some reason, as soon as you put a man in there ... it's an entirely different thing that we aren't used to seeing."


1 comment:

  1. Well of course if you use a guy who looks like he lives under a bridge awaiting to devour the Billy Goats Gruff it's going to look silly.
