Friday, April 25, 2014

Chase Bank Is Shutting Down Accounts Held By Porn Stars

The taxpayer-bailed out Chase Bank appears to have decided that folks who work in the totally-legal adult film industry are no longer worthy of holding accounts with the institution. Though legal money is legal money, hundreds of people who earn a living wage in porn have been sent letters from Chase advising them to find a new institution because their current bank accounts under the famous blue logo will be void as of May 11, whether they like it or not. 

Chase’s ability to pass judgment calls on what we can buy and sell is a breach of everyone’s rights… We cannot allow any large corporations like Chase bank to get away with governing our ability to take responsibility for our sexual health.

A month after this, former softcore porn producer Marc L. Greenberg sued Chase for refusing to underwrite a loan for “moral reasons.” Greenberg approached the bank for help refinancing one of his properties; although he had an annual income of $500,000 and a net worth of $10 million, his request was ignored. Finally, a high-ranking official at the bank told him that his loan application had been refused due to “JPMorgan’s disapproval of plaintiff’s former source of income and occupation as an owner of a television production company that produced television programs that dealt with the subject of human sexuality.” Full story here via Instinct Magazine!

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