Saturday, April 26, 2014

April 26th is World Veterinary Day

Whether you’re a cat person, a dog person, a rabbit person or a horse person, there’s one thing all animal lovers can agree on, and that’s the fantastic work carried out by veterinarians. Celebrate with your pet on World Veterinarian Day by buying them a treat or a new toy to show them how much they mean to you as you appreciate the work veterinarians do to keep pets healthy.

World Veterinarian Day was created in 2000 by the World Veterinary Association to highlight and promote the lifesaving work performed by veterinarians around the globe. Each year, a different theme is chosen which helps pet owners to remember the importance of various aspects of animal care, and how vets can help, for example ensuring your pet’s vaccinations are up to date.

On this special day, why not raise a paw, hoof or claw to say thank you to our veterinarians.

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