Friday, April 25, 2014

April 25th is Undiagnosed Children's Awareness Day

Last year a few parents of children with undiagnosed genetic conditions decided to declare 13th April ‘Undiagnosed Children’s Day’. This year Undiagnosed Children’s Awareness Day will be on Friday 25th April 2104

The idea was to help raise awareness by talking, tweeting, blogging and texting about undiagnosed children and wearing blue (and sharing pictures of yourself wearing blue.) 

As well as making as much noise as possible online , we would also like you to get out and about in your local area raising awareness and generally demanding as much attention as you can to help get children with undiagnosed genetic conditions noticed!

To tie in with the color schemes we are asking you to wear pink and/or blue on the day and make sure you share your photos with us either via Facebook or Twitter (be sure to use #undiagnosed).

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