Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14th is International Moment of Laughter Day

When was the last time you gave yourself permission to laugh out loud in public? Well, get ready to do it again, because April 14 has been set aside to do just that, according to "America's Humorologist" Izzy Gesell. 

To encourage more people to laugh, he invites America and the whole world to join in the fun on April 14, the planet's International Moment of Laughter Day. You can celebrate by:

laughing out loud at the funny cards in a greeting card shop

calling a friend to share a funny story

getting naked, looking in the mirror and laughing

buying a "laugh-box" in a joke shop and turning it on at work or at home

showing your baby pictures to someone who's never seen them

thinking up your own way to get someone else to laugh with you

or just laughing for no apparent reason at all

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