Sunday, April 27, 2014

25 Albums Every Gay Guy Should Hear

From: Next Magazine
Tori Amos
Little Earthquakes 

This was such a seminal album for me, growing up as a young gay boy. There were just these themes that I could identify with, especially right when I was coming out. Everything was so dramatic and hard, and I could just relate to all those songs. They’re so beautiful and so smart! And I could just get into my young gay angst with Tori. She got me; she was not an idiot. She’s one of those underground gay icons. When I think of Tori, this is the album that comes to mind. This is the antithesis of the vapid pop that’s being shoved down our throats now. It’s heartfelt and thoughtful and heartbreaking. It’s smart and it will help you feel things. We all need that. We need both sides of the coin. For every Lady Gaga there has to be a Tori Amos. When she sits down at the piano—there wouldn’t be a Lady Gaga without a Tori Amos. —JonJon Battles 

Little Earthquakes is the debut solo album of singer/songwriter Tori Amos, featuring the singles "Silent All These Years", "China", "Winter" and "Crucify".

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