Friday, March 21, 2014

"Tight End" - HONCHO - September 1982

September 1982

Al Parker: ‘’Turned On’ [Scott Taylor - 101231, Al Parker, Sky Dawson] (Surge)
J.W. King (Frank Ross)
Skip Rasher
NOVA Film ‘’Working It Out’, Jim King, Georgio Cannali (NOVA)
Tight End” (Naakkve)
Cavelo Artwork portfolio
Jock” [Jockstrap photos] (Surge, Mimoso, FB)
Heat” [CT model: Julio Campas] (Richard)

 The combination of this picture and the following caption from a September 1982 issue of Honcho magazine succeeded in getting me very, very hard. Nice job, whoever wrote this 32 years ago!

 “What better way to celebrate a team victory than an offer like this one? After all that grunting and groaning out on the field, now you and your teammates can indulge yourselves in a little slurping and moaning with each other. Just bury your face between these hairy goal posts and inhale the musky odor of sweat and animal need."

 “No matter what position you play, there can’t be any penalty for having this back field in motion. Play quarterback and put your hands between this center’s spread legs. Anticipate the feel of those heavy balls in your waiting hands. A plunge into this tight end is a score no matter what game you’re playing!

 Football season may be over for now, but that doesn’t mean we have to stop fetishizing football players, football gear and locker room antics, along with the camaraderie and male bonding that comes with watching the game together. This mustachioed model will make you want to touchdown in your end zone (pretend that made sense) and, bad football puns aside, fantastize about jizzing on his lips.

 The good folks at Retro Men Plus refer to him as “unidentified”, but one member pointed out a strong resemblance to smutty magazine model Daniel Holt. Whoever the hell he is, this spread is making me wish I could hop in a time machine and tap that ass on the set. Yes sirree, indeed.


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