Sunday, March 9, 2014


From: Manhunt Daily

 We wrote “Did anyone else laugh out loud during Joe Manganiello‘s werewolf sex scene on last night’s episode of True Blood? Don’t get me wrong! The scene put the ‘sex’ in sex scene. I was sitting on my couch with a raging erection watching JoMang (don’t judge me for that abbreviation) show off his muscular buns as he fucked the bajeezus out of that chick from his pack… Then, when he threw her across the room? Aside from snorting so hard that my neighbors could hear, I practically jumped out of my seat in excitement. ‘Holy balls! Holy balls!” I said to myself. “They might have just shown Joe Manganiello’s PENIS on TV!!!

 Did anyone else laugh out loud during Joe Manganiello‘s werewolf sex scene on last night’s episode of True Blood? Don’t get me wrong! The scene put the “sex” in sex scene. I was sitting on my couch with a raging erection watching JoMang (don’t judge me for that abbreviation) show off his muscular buns as he fucked the bajeezus out of that chick from his pack.

 Then, when he threw her across the room? Aside from snorting so hard that my neighbors could hear, I practically jumped out of my seat in excitement. “Holy balls! Holy balls!” I said to myself. “They might have just shown Joe Manganiello’s PENIS on TV!!!

 I scoured the internet for screen-caps this morning, in the hopes of adjusting the levels and seeing Joe’s dick.

 Lo and behold, all I got to see was a big, dark grey blur… So, yeah, you heard it here first, Manhunt Daily readers. Joe Manganiello doesn’t actually have a penis. There’s just a big black hole where it’s supposed to be… And yet we’d still do him?

 To make up for the lack of full-frontal nudity, here’s Sam Trammell‘s butt:


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