Thursday, March 6, 2014

March 6th is National Oreo Cookie Day!

Do you have a life-long love affair with the Oreo cookie as I do? Close your eyes for just a moment, and picture your favorite Oreo moment... that milk- or coffee-soaked, softened cookie you just dunked, getting ready to pop whole into your mouth... or maybe you prefer to take your Oreo apart, lick off the creamy middle, then eat the cookie separately! You can state your cause on the proper way to eat an Oreo in the Duel Debate section below.

Whatever way you enjoy your Oreo, March 6, 2014 is cause for true celebration with National Oreo Cookie Day! In this lens, I'll give you three fun suggestions for celebrating National Oreo Cookie Day, including some wickedly decadent Oreo recipes for you to try out!

The Oreo turned 100 in 2012, after racking up $2 billion in worldwide sales in 2011. $2 billion in Oreos - can you imagine a mental picture of what that would look like? I sure can't but it's fun to try!

Did you know there is even a free "Twist, Lick & Dunk" Oreo game for your iPhone/iPad or Android phone? The iPhone and iPad apps are available at the App Store. The Android version is available at the link I've provided below.

Enjoy your Oreos, and remember - if you break the cookie, all the calories fall out! (Yeah, I wish... )

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