Wednesday, March 26, 2014

March 26th is Manatee Appreciation Day

Manatees are aquatic mammals known for their immense size and jowly appearance. Manatees might not make the list of cutest animals, but enough manatee enthusiasts exist for there to be a Manatee Appreciation Day.

Manatee Appreciation Day is devoted to raising awareness about these quirky creatures. Unfortunately, manatees are endangered. Although hunting manatees is usually illegal, they continue to be poached for their meat and hide. Also, manatees are often fatally injured in collisions with boats. It is important to increase manatee awareness so that these fascinating animals will continue to exist in the future.

Manatee Appreciation Day events usually take place in areas with large manatee populations, such as Florida, Mexico and the Caribbean. Zoos and marine biology centers may offer special manatee-related programming on Manatee Appreciation Day. You can celebrate Manatee Appreciation Day anywhere by researching manatees, starting your own awareness campaign, or donating to manatee conservation programs.

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