Saturday, March 22, 2014

March 22nd is Day of Metta

The World Day of Metta’s Mission is to create a change in the climate of global consciousness so that the basic needs of ALL beings may be met. May the Metta become the central tenet by which humanity makes choices.
- May All Beings Have Fresh Air to Breathe -
- May All Beings Have Fresh Clean Water to Drink -
- May All Beings Have Food To Eat -
- May All Beings Have a Home -
- May All Beings Have Someone to Share Love With -
- May All Beings Know Their True Purpose -
- May All Beings Be Well and Happy -
- May All Beings Be Free From Suffering -
- Today, I Shall Do What I Can To Make This So! -

March 22, 2014 from Noon until Two in YOUR time zone – sing, dance, meditate, recite or pray the Metta with intention for World Peace and Hope. Noon to two doesn't work? Create a gathering any time you can!

Join us in sharing this great message of hope, compassion and kindness for our World! Together we can create a new consciousness for our world.

Gather a group of your friends, family, neighbors, etc. and sing or say the Metta together at your home, your yard or your place of business.

Organize a ceremony, a sweat lodge, a drum circle, a community potluck,  a time of prayer or meditation and invite others to join you.

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