Thursday, March 20, 2014

March 20th is World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People

On March 20th, every year since 2001, the World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People has been celebrated all over the world by the international community of theater practitioners for children and young people.

The main purpose of the World Day of Theatre for Children and Young People is to attract the attention of a wider public to the art of theater for children and young people.

Events held on the World Day may be special performances, open rehearsals, lectures, exhibitions, articles in newspapers and magazines. Events are primarily organized by national ASSITEJ centres (which is YPAA in Australia) or by theatre companies or thereat organizations.

National centers have the freedom to organize their own national events.  We encourage you to include general information on children and young people´s theater, its history and its importance to society and, of course, on ASSITEJ as an international organisation.

For 2012-2014 the ASSITEJ is campaign slogan is ‘Take A Child to the Theater Today’.  We think this message is clear and simple. We encourage you to use it widely and inventively over the next 3 years. It’s a call to parents, grandparents and guardians to take the children in their care to the theater on March 20th.

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