Saturday, March 1, 2014

March 1st is Plan a Solo Vacation Day

Plan a Solo Vacation Day is a celebration designed for those people who like to view the world alone. Rather than being constrained by the demands and foibles of friends and family, people like this prefer the intensity of an individual adventure.

The day itself varies in actual date, but there is no doubt about the seriousness of its purpose. Solo travelers are rarely highlighted by travel companies, who prefer to focus their marketing on families, couples and groups.

The solo traveler is a special breed, though. More spontaneous than many travelers, he or she does not like to have their travel agenda shaped by others.

While formally celebrating the day at a social occasion would defeat the object, the best way to mark Plan a Solo Vacation Day is to take a trip. Simply by planning to hit the road alone, anyone can become a part of this international celebration.

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