Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Best Beards Of The 2014 Winter Olympics Goes To Canada's Bobsled Team

From: Huffington Post

Bearded bobsledders representing Canadian culture

They already won the Hottest Olympians (in our minds) and now the Canadian bobsled team is going for the gold in another category which is just as equally important: best beards.

Canadian bobsledder Justin Kripps posted a sexy photo on Twitter which showed him and his just-as-hot teammates rocking their best lumberjack beards.

"Bearded bobsledders representing Canadian culture #Sochi2014," wrote the hunky Olympian.

Kripps also noted that his official website is censored in Russia, which may have something to do with the shirtless pic he posted of his teammates posing in their underwear.

We're not complaining!

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