Tuesday, March 4, 2014

22 Russians Who We Won’t Let Vladimir Putin Forget Were Gay

From: Advocate
Agens editor Milena Chernyavskaya
Agens, which translates from Latin to mean "driving force," describes itself as "A Magazine About Women for Women," and carries a disclaimer warning that the magazine is only for those aged 18 and older. RIA Novosti reports the magazine's claim that it is the only printed, glossy publication for lesbians in the country, and the magazine's editor in chief says it intends to help balance the lack of information available to Russia's LGBT community.

"The LGBT community has to deal with an information blackout," said Milena Chernyavska, the editor in chief and a graduate of Moscow State University's journalism program. "Russian gay men and lesbians don't know each other and think that they cannot be happy, because everyone around them abuses them."

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