Monday, March 3, 2014

22 Russians Who We Won’t Let Vladimir Putin Forget Were Gay

From: Advocate
The latest wave of Russians on the cutting edge are making their statements — in spite of oppression from the mother country — in photography, publishing and music, all with a focus on activism.

Alexander Kargaltsev
Alexander Kargaltsev’s photographic project “Asylum” explores the lives of gay men who fled Russia for the United States due to the violence and hatred they have encountered in their motherland.

Kargaltsev’s portraits expose the dire situation of the LGBT community in Russia. They contain a poignant message of hope for a life free of fear in the New World. The models, in their nakedness, reveal their courage in shedding many layers of fear, emerging from their harrowing past, bare and vulnerable, yet proud.

For more on this previous exhibit: Advocate.comand Kargaltsev’s website,

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