Thursday, February 6, 2014

The joy of finally: pt1

Bradley and Andy…

"(as we lead up to Valentine’s Day  – this week my thoughts are focused on concepts of “newness” and “finally” – images will be from a shoot in December with my friends Andy and Bradley)

Last night we were at the Townhouse last night to celebrate a friend’s birthday and take in the dragshow.  The Townhouse is the oldest gay bar in the Twin Cities and I first visited in 1994.  We were there to meet up with a friend’s mom – she’d recently come out and was dating the gym coach (seriously).  I wasn't ready to live honestly yet – and my wonderful friends knew not to probe.

I’d never been a fan of line-dancing – and I’d certainly never seen gay line-dancing before.  And here it was, a bar-full of gay guys, lesbians, and transfolk twirling around the dancefloor to “Hanky Panky” by Madonna.  And I thought to myself then – I remember it vividly – “These people have incorporated Madonna into line-dancing – this is going to be cool.”

Even supportive straight people rarely understand the overwhelming joy that comes when you finally accept your queer nature and learn to relish it.

Last night at the drag show and watching folks dancing afterwards I was reminded again.  I’m lucky to be gay.  We make our own rules." -- Marlen Boro

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