Monday, February 17, 2014

The 10 Hottest Winter Olympians Of The Past 10 Winter Games

From: The Backlot
The original Jamaican bobsled team
Hot runnings!

Devon Harris, Dudley Stokes, Michael White and last-minute replacement Nelson Stokes riveted audiences at the Calgary Olympics simply by being: They were a bobsled team from Jamaica, a country that has never seen snow. The squad was assembled by a bobsled-savvy impresario, but the team proved to be viable competitors with some speedy starts. Though they didn’t come close to winning anything, the quirky team has endured. Not only did they inspire the highly fictionalized Disney movie Cool Runnings, but a two-man team from Jamaica qualified for the 2014 games. So there! Also: NIIIIICE torsos, gents.

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