Sunday, February 2, 2014


From: Manhunt Daily

The hottest guy I ever hooked up with on Manhunt was an Australian on a three month road trip. He had a beautiful uncut cock (8 inches) and a hot hairy body. Unfortunately, he had apparently just started a relationship back home, so he had a bunch of rules about what his boyfriend was okay with. We managed to break one of them, though.

Meet Daniel. He lives in Boston and he’s looking for a boyfriend. He also plays rugby, runs his own personal training business, acts, writes, and still has time to work a regular job and hook up with guys he finds here. (His screen name is nehalem84.)

More than just a handsome face and a fine, fine, fine ass, Daniel took some time to talk to me about Christmas tree farms, blowjob rules, and a crazy impromptu gangbang he got himself into once.

So, I was just reading your Manhunt profile, and I see you’re a rugby player.

Yeah, I’ve been playing for eight years now. I started when I was 20 and living in New York, and now I play for the Boston Ironsides. We’re a part of IGRAB, which is the International Association of Gay Rugby Teams. Every other year we have a big international tournament. Last year we went to Manchester, England, and this summer we’re going to Sydney, Australia. Our fall season is going on right now and will go into early November.

I was not an athlete when I was a kid because—a) I was a choir/theater kid, and b) I was very gay, so I never felt comfortable. Then I discovered rugby and realized I was actually a natural athlete.

Speaking of when you were a kid… You’re from a farm in the northwest? Can you talk a little bit about that, and why you moved east?

I grew up on a Christmas tree farm in Oregon, right outside of Portland. We actually refer to it as a compound, because a good portion of my extended family also lived on the farm, so growing up I always had cousins to play with. My family is very colorful in a way that you would expect coming from Oregon, so naturally, I wanted to get as far away as possible.

A Christmas tree farm!

We haven’t cut them in so many years though. They've grown to be over thirty feet, so now we just have a forest. We’re now a wildlife preserve, not a farm. We have cougars, deers, beavers, bears, etc. all roaming around. I actually just got back from visiting. I don’t get back as often as I like, but I go every year or two. I think about moving back to Portland, but for now, Boston is home.

And how did you end up in Boston?

After college, I spent a summer working in Provincetown as a bartender, and I used to work during drag shows and plays. The theater company that put on the shows there asked me to be in them, and I thought it was an interesting opportunity to see how a theater company worked. So I moved with them to Boston, which is where they’re based in the winters.

So you’re acting, too?

Sporadically, I do some acting. Less often now, though for a while I was doing three or four shows a year with them. Right now, I’m applying to MBA programs with the goal of getting into entertainment management. I like to stay as busy as humanly possible… I’m also a personal trainer. Although my primary job is still bartending.

Oh, really? Do you have your own training company?

Yeah, for about a year and a half now, I worked for a gym for a little while, but I realized it was a bad deal for me and the client. Basically, when it comes to fitness, I don’t think looking good/ideal is the most important thing. In my work as a trainer, I’m all about teaching people to incorporate exercise without giving up everything. I love carbs and drink a lot of beer, and I have a bit of a gut to show for it, but I think you shouldn't be unhappy for the sake of looking good. I also used to be about 30 pounds heavier, and now I feel pretty good about myself, but there’s always more work to do.

I work out four or five days a week when I’m not playing in rugby. When we’re in season, we spend about six hours a week either practicing or playing, so I might only do a few extra workouts. I usually only work out for about forty-five minutes. I think any longer than that, and it becomes impossible to fit it into a normal life. (With clients we do a full hour.) I have a Facebook page, but there’s nothing on it thus far.

Hairy Otter Fitness. I like the name!

I’m pretty happy with it.

So let’s talk about your sex life now. How long have you been using Manhunt?

I think I’ve been using Manhunt for about ten years now. I do a fair amount of hooking up, but believe it or not, I mostly use it as a dating site. I’ve met a few boyfriends off the site now. Maybe its because I’m getting older, but I find myself more relationship orientated these days.

Do you have a boyfriend right now?

I’m currently single.

Any favorite Manhunt hookup stories from over the years?

Oh man, there have been so many.

Good answer!

I think the craziest was this one day I was talking to a hot bottom and agreed to come over and fuck him, only to walk into a gang bang where I knew all the other tops. I knew all three of them from around town. It was slightly awkward, but I figured it was rude to leave.

Nobody wants to be the gangbang party pooper.

There was another time on my birthday, I think it was my 23rd. A guy invited me over to fist him as a birthday present. I had never done it before and was curious about it. Years later, I’ve seen him in a few porns.

Did you like fisting? Or is it just something you tried once to see?

I kind of like everything. I draw the line at scat and blood play, but I’ll try pretty much anything.

I think your profile lists you as a top. Is that set in stone?

I will bottom, and have more then a few times. I only enjoy it when I trust the top. For better or worse, my ass tends to attract other tops.

Your ass photos are a little provocative, it’s true.

And I’m okay with that. All of my serious boyfriends have been tops. Though I’d love to settle down with a hot muscle bottom.

Describe your ideal muscle bottom…

I think I tend to be attracted to hairy muscular men, your Raging Stallion model type. That being said, I don’t have any one type. I love guys with accents and have pretty much hooked up with every race and ethnicity. I do have a special weakness for gingers.

The hottest guy I ever hooked up with on Manhunt was an Australian on a three month road trip. He had a beautiful uncut cock (8 inches) and a hot hairy body. Unfortunately, he had apparently just started a relationship back home, so he had a bunch of rules about what his boyfriend was okay with. We managed to break one of them, though.

Which was…

He wasn't supposed to get his dick sucked, but it was beautiful. I couldn't resist.

What an unfair rule!

Right? He could suck mine, but I couldn't suck his.

Okay, final question: name three guys you want to fuck.

Colby Keller, David Pocock (rugby player) and… Seth Fornea (ginger weakness)

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